Saturday, December 22, 2007

Our Christmas Lovelies

Our girls don't like posing for pictures very much, so this photo is a real coupe!

DX is having day surgery on January 4th.

We saw the second ENT on Wednesday of this week, and he wants to move quickly. He says that the most common condition like this in 3 year olds is a cholesteotoma (the benign cyst thingy), but he's not sure that this is what we're dealing with, as there is some vascularization of the growth apparent on the CT scan.

So, he needs to have a "look-see" and, hopefully, can remove whatever it is. Cross your fingers for us that this turns out to be nothing unexpected.


redmaryjanes said...

Look at how happy the children look together. Your family is beautiful. I hope that everything goes well with the ENT.

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a great picture! We will be thinking of you on the fourth, I hope all goes well. Ben goes to the pediatric dentist on Jan 3, he will be sedated to fix 8 cavities. Oh what fun!

Merry Christmas to you and your family...from the rainy west coast.

Doreen, Alan, Ian and Ben

Wendy said...

Great picture... I will keep our finger's crossed as well...

Kelly said...

Glad to see everyone is so happy! We will be thinking of you on the fourth, and tomorrow as well.

Merry Christmas to everyone.
Love, D, K & A

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

And their all even looking at the camera - you go mom!

Unknown said...

That photo is PERFECT -- all three look so happy and gorgeous! Gosh, today is surgery day -- fingers crossed over here. Take care.