Friday, January 5, 2007

FIVE Referrals!!

So, I am blogging during my work day (something I promised myself never to do- well, maybe at lunchtime its OK), but I'm taking a tea break right now & I just had to post the good news!

FIVE (count 'em...1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of "our" NLFAM families have just received referrals for their absolutely gorgeous daughters from China!! Whoo-hoo!!! It's the JACKPOT!

And, what's even more special is that all of the babies are at the same oprhanage, and they are only around 8 months old!! They're bitty babies!!! And their Moms and Dads will get them before they turn 1 year old. How marvelous is that?

To see one of these Beauties, click on the blog called "Journey to Maggie" listed on the right. I'm not sure if the other families will be doing blogs, but if so, and with their permission, I'll list them!

What a grand day!


aimeeg said...

Very cool news! Referral time is fun.

redmaryjanes said...

I love to see all of the babies at referral time. It gives me the drive to keep going through this process. One day it will be our babies!

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

Hi Carolyn,

How the heck did I miss your blog I'll never know.

The jackpot alright with 5 newfs coming from China. Olivia will be Christened there at least :-)

(13 more sleeps)