Saturday, March 15, 2008

As the years go by...

Our oldest daughter will turn 11 at Easter. 11 years old! It is almost unbelievable how quickly those years have whizzed by.

We had a party for her last night, since some of her friends will be going on holiday over the Easter break. We took her and 8 friends to a pizza restaurant and then they came back to our house for games and cake. Here she is (in the orange hoody) with the cake that she decorated herself (she drew pigs with pink icing!).

A good time was had by all!

It was our first family birthday celebration since DX has been home with us. Other than his, that is. I'm not sure what he made of 9 "tweens" running around the house, screaming and laughing, but he had fun with those things called balloons.

This morning, it's much more peaceful in the house! And after a couple of days of horrid weather, the sun in shining in all her glory. The air is cold and crisp, and when I let the dogs out, I loved the way that the flashing on our chickadee nestbox was glinting in the sun, and how the shadows from the fence palings striped the unbroken snow. I took a photo... not sure if it does the scene justice...

Happy weekend, everyone.


"M" said...

Pink icing is good! Happy birthday to your daughter. Enjoy the weekend.

redmaryjanes said...

That is a cool picture! Happy Birthday to your oldest. Mine is 15. It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your girl. Hope you all had a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your girl. Hope you all had a great weekend.