Friday, January 26, 2007

Love Without Boundaries Newsletter

There's a new January newsletter from Love Without Boundaries, a charitable organization with education, nutrition, foster care, and medical programs for children in China. Worth a look.

I have some blog reorganization to do this weekend- if I told you I'd link your blog, don't worry, I'll be on it soon!


Anonymous said...

Carolyn, these stories really touch me deeply. We sure do take everyday things for granted. Thanks goodness for these organizations with huge hearts.

Kim DW

Ella Meng said...

I am actually very moved that you are so concerned about the charity work in China.
Yes, Love Without Boundaries.

I'm a chinese college student in China and my English is poor.But I like learning and practising.So when I came across your blog,which is so wonderful,I can't help leaving a comment.
Longing for your guidance.

Jman's momma said...

Ni hao,
Just came across your blog - You began your physical adoption journey around the same time we did. Our son came home 12/21/6. He is actually in the LWB newsletter - Sawyer. He was a WC dx of digestive disease with surgery to repair megacolon. He is doing GREAT!! We are incredibly blessed. I have not read all your posts so I have to go catch up to see where you are. Nice to meet you!