Thursday, June 28, 2007

And now for something completely different...

I saw this YouTube video on Julie Kenner's blog and it is too funny!

Any of you who write for a living, or who correct student's writing will appreciate it (Warning: it may not be appropriate viewing for those under 14).


Wendy said...

OMG that is so funny... I can totally relate.. I am the worst speller.. as one would notice after reading my blog !!!

walternatives said...

That is a riot - thanks for the link!

Red Sand said...

I edit on a daily basis, and this had me giggling uncontrollably. Sad part - I once gave someone a tip on how to do an auto-correct on "public" and he put the words in the wrong spot, so that the lovely program removed the "l" each time... only noticed it after a document was circulated between departments...